Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My history in cakes

So . . . I wanted to post a bit of a repository here of cakes I've made, and where it all started.  Here goes . . .

First cake I ever made . . . Spring 2009 for my sister-in-law's baby shower

My second try - luau 2009

Jack's second birthday - November 2009

Aubree (Jack's mom)'s baby shower cake . . . twins aka Lil'G squared

Aubree's graduation from WVU!

Max's 1st birthday!  May 2010

Angela & Russ's Rehearsal Dinner Groom's Cake - Summer 2010

Reagan's 1st birthday!  Summer 2010

 Jack's THIRD birthday, November 2010
 My first try at cupcakes, May 2011 joint baby/wedding shower

And finally, I had leftover fondant and the need to bring a dessert to an in home happy hour at the home of one of my favorite people (Sergent Shout Out), so I decided to throw together a practice Happy Hour cake:

I was pretty happy with how it turned out :)

OK, that's the past of cakes and now they are documented forever . . . on to the future :)

1 comment:

  1. Your cakes are so beautiful, Kelly! Perhaps one day we can bake one together!
